
Dev Digest - Week 1

Well as I've mentioned before I've got a yahoo group set up to playtest my RPG. There are things that I should have been very aware of before I set about this thing. The first thing is how badly I organised the book itself. I sat through and just like any regular player attempted to create a character by the book. It was nigh impossible. I've got information scattered all around the manual and if i didn't have an intricate knowledge of where things were located then I would have just thrown my hands up in frustration. So I've added a character creation Quick Ref sheet to put the numbers and steps that you need to create a character in one spot. So that issue was resolved but I'm still gonna need to go back and reorganise the book, almost in its entirety.

Second I've realised a small error in judgment on my part. I've looked over the system and actually played through some mock combat with some random creatures. There was no really chance. either i killed something with no real effort, or it killed me with the same ease. So I've written up, but not yet introduced a simple dice system and even created a tiny dice rolling script for it. The system is very simple and just creates a modifier to either add or subtract to your ability numbers to introduce some chaos to things. I didn't really want to use dice with this system because I had originally created the systems around PBEM games where i didn't want to trust someone else's integrity on their dice rolls. But it didn't really lend to an interesting system, so I felt a very simple dice system using just 2 6 sided dice would work best.

On the coat tails of that I felt that I'd screwed up with my initiative system as well. It would have been a pretty dynamic system but I felt that it didn't take advantage of the streamlined, fast action type narrative game that I envisioned. So there were a couple of changes to that and the reflexes attribute. For those in the group who may be reading this, I'll be posting the revision sheet wednesday.

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