
Inspiration needed...

So as I counted on I've reached a part in my NaNoWriMo story where I'm at a bit of an impasse. The real problem is that I've essentially written myself into a corner. Where I've taken the story up to this point will take an act of god to push my way through. If I do that I may not be able to get the story back on track for quite some time and will take me forever to rectify. The simple solution to this is to delete the last 500 words and re-write, which I don't want to do for several reasons, one of which being that I'm losing 500 words. The other is of course that I'm trying to strangle my inner editor for this thing. So for inspiration I've decided to watch the Replacement Killers. It's a fabulous movie aside from the fact that It kind of neatly wraps of the atmosphere I'm trying to take this story. I'll let you know in 1 hour and 35 minutes how things are going :)


Chad said...

It's times like this, where we need someone like Foreigner to come along and sing a theme song like in the Starbuck's commercials.....


Mikey said...

lol yeah...I miss those commercials

Anonymous said...

So your hour and 35 mins is up...how did it go?? :)

I say that you need the dunken doughnut guy..."It's time to write the story!!!...wait I already wrote the story..." LOL

So that is my lame attempt at old commercials...deal with it.


Mikey said...

lol it worked out pretty well actually. I watched my movie, then watched another one, left the story alone for a while then hammered out about 1100 more words, so either way I'm behind my quota, but I'm still ahead of the game overall. good thing I leftmyself some leeway.

A. said...

Blargh- every damn email I've sent you in the past few months has bounced... is your isp blocking the rr server or something? I sent one to Von's hotmail but I don't think she's seen it.

Tell her I have news of people from high school, and some of it's not pretty. Suicide, insanity, prison, and so forth. I thought she'd want to know.

Since rr seems kaput, email me at sunshineDOTdreamerATgmail