
Again with the didn't see it coming...

Congratulations, you make it until the end! You
are the strong, modestly good looking man or
woman who doesn't take it from anybody.

How fast would you die in a cheesy zombie flick?
brought to you by


Just because I have to now...

If any of you read Yvonne's LiveJournal you'll see that I indeed did get a new job, am making more money than at that "other" place and indeed sent a letter to the owner upon seeing a rather interesting Want Ad in the Press Herald. Anyway, for everybody's enjoyment, i'm going to post the letter that I sent to them.

Hello My name is Michael Vance.
Undoubtedly whoever reads this e-mail knows that I was a service tech up until about month ago. I was Laid off for lack of business and the fact that I had not gotten my licenses yet. However I had just moved back to Maine from Florida only 3 months before so had no way of having them. Time Simpson knew this when I was hired and said that I could do "refigeration while I learned boilers" direct quote. However I as laid off for not having them.
Another point is that I was paid less than the helpers were and when I was to get a little more it was decided that I shoud be laid off. So let me tell you what a surprise it was when I read in teh employment section that Pine State Sudden Service needed a new Service tech. And not just a service tech, but one who possesses all the requirements that seem to be taken directly off of my resume. If I was simply "laid off", why was I not contacted. Also if business is so slow why are you looking for someone who has all the qualifications of someone you had just laid off. I was the lowest paid employee in the HVAC or plumbing department and those who I was told were to be fired when I was hired are still there. To my knowledge I had never had a call back and in fact had saved quite a few of your service contracts including, but not limited to, Yale Cordage & Rosewood at Rye. I had also brought business such as TGI Fridays. I'm skilled at HVAC installation as well, but no one offered to move me to another department. I posess more Air Conditioning knowledge than a good deal of your techs there and yet I was the one to feel the axe.

In conlusion I feel I was taken advantage of with the promise of helping someone who had just moved to the state, and was obviously qualified enough to work for a pittance with promise of "substantial wages". I hope that someone actually reads this instead of just deleting it since this is a direct reflection upon the quality of work there.

Michael Vance.

Now I received a response to this letter, rather surprisingly, from one of the office girls, who then handed it to the owner. There's a moral to this story, and those of you in this position will respect this, those who aren't...well you better heed my advise....Be NICE to the office girls. Even after you're gone they'll do nice things for you if you need them to. Thanks Ann for taking one for the team :)


I never saw this one coming...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's" Inferno Test


Though I'd like to give a shout out...

To Robo-killer, like always ditching me in the middle of MY FUCKING CAPE MISSION, then coming back later and asking if i can help with his. Also for leaving in the middle of the invasion, WHEN WE WERE FUCKING SURROUNDED BY LVL 28 FUCKING RULARUU. thanks for the assist there big guy....Fuck you and fuck your cape. I'll wipe my ass with it if you ever get one...

The Rularuu Attack...

The Rularuu Invasion Posted by Hello

For those of you who were unfortunately at work, or worse...play that other game, you missed out on an awesome event in Paragon City. The Rularuu invaded paragon at about noon yesterday and I am proud to say that E-Branch was there to help the embattled heroes defend their metropolis. With the aid of several other members of E-Branch including Talchazzar and Maxxis we helped keep paragon city safe from the enormous tide of alien invaders. It truly was a great battle and I think it would suffice to say that In-Between paid the ultimate price to the tune of about 14K in debt. And through his long hours of sacrifice and battle he earned his cape somewhere in the process. It truly was a good day to die...


It works with everything...

Dick Cheney insists on link between Al Qaeda and Kevin Bacon. Al Qaeda was trained by the CIA which was created by Harry Truman who dropped the bomb which was conceived by the Manhattan Project which was a movie starring John Lithgow who was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon.


The Hunter Speaketh...

Deep into the election year and there has been no word from my favorite journalist, Hunter S. Thompson. Surely I'd have thought he'd have something to say on this election. Well, after a little searching I found something, on the ESPN page 2 site of all places. here's the article that i have found. BEHOLD for the doctor speaketh:

Sean Penn called me last night and said he was quitting the movie business until after the football season.
"I am going on the road with Brett Favre and the boys," he said. "The Packers will kick ass this year, and I want to be part of it. I love Brett Favre."
His voice sounded strange, so I goaded him.
"The football season has been cancelled this year. The White House just announced it."
"No!" he shouted. "That's impossible! Football season will never be canceled in America -- not in an election year. There would be riots."
"Exactly," I replied. "Horrible riots every Sunday afternoon, in cities all over the country. Football fans will go crazy. I already feel the Fear."
It's true, but not because of our football season being canceled. No. We must have football. What would this country be without football in October?
That is a dangerous question, so I try not to worry. Only an imbecile would alienate every football freak in the country at a time like this.
It would be political suicide.
Would the President do a thing like that?
Who knows for sure? He is already muttering about "postponing" the whole election, and that is almost as ugly as canceling a football season.
These rumors are dark and disturbing, especially for a football addict in July. Take my word for it, because I am a certified addict. It makes me feel crazy on some days, and this is one of them.
I am a football addict, and I am not alone in this country. We are legion, and we must have football ... Yes. It is righteous, and only a jackass would cancel it.
Election years are always weird in America, and they always happen in football season. That is a fact of life. The President will always be elected on the first Tuesday in November, for good or ill, and not even Richard Nixon could change it. He hated anything that stood between him and a Green Bay Packers game, especially on Monday nights.
Nixon was a bad loser. He hated losing worse than death, and that is why I enjoyed him. We were both football fans, both addicts; and on some days, nothing else mattered.
But that was yesterday, and George Bush is now.
Where is Richard Nixon, now that we need him? He was crooked in every way and his hands were covered with blood -- but he was a rabid, high-rolling football fan with a sly taste for gin; and on some nights, he could be good company.
Ah, but we live in a new century now, and the president is not a football fan. The first real game of the season will be a huge event for most of us; but for young George Bush, it will mean nothing. He will feel no relief, no escape from the same sense of doom that fell on his father, only 12 years ago. The old man failed when he tried to get re-elected, and so will his son. They both peaked too soon, about six months before football season; and after that, they sank like punctured fish.
So the time has come to get busy on what we call "the summer book" in the business of gambling on presidential elections. And right now the London/Vegas numbers are about 51-49 percent for Bush, if only because he is the filthy-rich incumbent and the son of a global oil-industry magnate.
That is big in the politics business; but this year, it will not be enough to make up for all the wretched, disastrous failures of the Bush administration. Betting on George Bush to win this coming election would be like betting the Denver Broncos to win the Super Bowl.
My own whim at the moment says that John Kerry will win big in November, and that the Colts will finally win the Super Bowl. Why not? This is the year of the monkey, and George Bush will be lucky to get out of Washington without being put on trial for treason.
Yes sir, we are coming around to some bold visions now, but my time is running out. Next week, I will tell you what happens in America if Kerry loses this election, along with the current odds on whether there will be an election this year. Okay. Mahalo.


New IB...Now with Cape Action... Posted by Hello