
More Breaking News: From the Maw of Hell...

I'm just not blending...am I? Posted by Hello

We returned later to the scene of the protest where apparently they still hadn't received their coveted "issue 2". But this begs the question does Issue 2 really exist? Aside from hints and allegations amongst the liberal media about the existance of this critical issue there has been no real evidence to sggest that there is even an issue 2 out there.

I reurned to the scene to attempt to blend in and gain the trust of the protestors in an attempt to gain more insight into their beliefs and causes. We brought a cameraman in with us this time to capture the chilling event in all of its gritty reality. Footage will become available as soon as a souce is found to broadcast it (ie i need somewhere to put it)

But possibly the greatest shock of these events was the political debate that raged between george W. Bush and John Kerry. Possibly the only debate of this election, it was also captured on tape. In a surprising turn of events the WMD's that Bush had searched for for so long, turned up at the events. When asked about their sudden appearance all they had to say was "Here I am. You still can't find me...bitch." Gripping.

I joined the protest but was soon spotted as the above picture displays. But what was I doing wrong? I was dressed "street" like the heroes assembled. I held a sign bearing a number much like th others. What set me apart? Did they instinctively know that I was not like them. The truth may never be told. But the riveting video footage will be made available shortly I assure you. Reporting for BNN this is Mikey V...I'm out...yo

Breaking News. This Just In...

The lamest protest ever Posted by Hello

Paragon City Hall was the scene of what would have to be the lamest, and worst organised protest in history. Tens of "superheroes" gathered around the city representative in a horrible attempt to get the devs to upload the test version of the Issue 2 update for City of Heroes. When asked about the disturbance City Representative Norman Kozlowski said "I don't fucking know...something stupid like "give us our fucking capes" or something." Chilling.

As the photo depicts these heroes attempted to bog down the server so badly that, well, I don't frigging know what they were hoping for. In a strange bit of irony, these same protestors that wanted the issue update so badly, failed to realise that it would only download as they were closing out their session thereby rendering their protest an even bigger waste of time than it initially would have been.

We questioned of of the heroes who had only this to say, "I just want my eyes sparkly...is that so much to ask?" As the masses, if you can call 30 heroes in a room that, started to thin the protestors broke down into an argument over what could be considered "early in the week." One group said that today was the last day that could be considered early, since wednesday was halfway through the week. Others said that thursday would be. Heroes at each others throats like rabid fanboys. Disturbing.

Also amongst the discussion was the threat of the protestors being "banned". At the merest mention of the highest curse they could conceive of the group started to disperse quickly and all powers were shut off for several minutes. Even a random Gravity Singularity was quoted as saying "fuck that...i'm not getting banned for this." and quickly left this plane of existence. Sheer mayhem. This reporter was lucky to get out of this protest alive. For the Bullshit News Network, this is Mikey V returning to my quiet home away from these fucktards.

Oh, and for the record...the lunchbox in the front of the shot is my wife's character...


I have been many places and seen many things...

But never in my life have i seen something so assanine as last wednesday. For starters I got laid off, which in my humble opinion is a total screwball antic to begin with. Being laid off is when you're fired but they have no reason to fire you except for the fact that either a) you make too much money, or b) there's no work. Well I certainly didn't make too much money, as I'm the lowest paid employee there. Apparently there wasn't enough work and I was the only one without the licenses to they said adios.

Now my problem with this scenario is that I was hired at a pittance under the stipulation that after 3 months we'd sit down and make sure I was worth what thye were gonna pay me. Well instead of getting a raise they just up and let me go....damn the man and his whitey oppressing ways. There's more I have to speak on but I've gotta go for now...post more later...


An Another Thing...

Just thought I'd add. I know everybody's heard this before, but I'm gonna start playtesting my RPG within the next few weeks. You know, the one I wrote. The one I started back LAST august. Well, I guess in celebration of the anniversary I might as well playtest the thing. If you're interested in doing a little group-based rpg, leave a comment in here and I'll get you the info if you don't have it. It promises to be fun.


The Last 2 Weeks...an Introspective...

Sorry yet again it's been so long, but you know how my fixations go. There's been so much going on in my life at the moment it's been hard to form the thoughts, let alone the words, to actually rant about them here. But here it goes anyway.

My Friday the 13th was an utter disaster. I have no other way to describe it. I can't even go into details about it without getting pissed off. So here's the short short politically correct version of that day. Got suckered into installing a hot Water Heater for the plumbing guy at work. Dunno how he thought I was gonna do this, but he had it in his head that I was a plumber. trust me, he found out for the rest of the day that I wasn't. Job went horribly horribly wrong. got zero support except for short, sarcastic, comment from the plumbers when I asked for help. The customer was a total wacko and the plumbing guy was screaming for my job after everything was said and done. Now those of you who have heard the sordid tale know more of this and why the guy almost got his head thrust into the back of my truck, but the whole situation still just pisses me off. But still I persevere.

Saturday however rocked hard. yvonne and I went to a local concert on the back patio of a local radio station. There will be pictures of said event posted later once I pull them off of the camera, along with a picture of the worlds largest afro. Anywho the concert kicked obscene amounts of ass. It was all local bands...once which if you can order them...do it. Vacationland was the first band. They put on a pretty decent show. They play to the crowd well and they music rocks. The second band was called As Fast As, and they as well kicked ass, though they put on a much better show and I am heavily inclined to pick up their new CD. Those who know me know how frequently I buy CD's. They're just that good. The third band however was the band we went to see and have become my favorite band of late. They're called Paranoid Social Club. For those of you who might have the memory span of more than a few years might remember them as Rustic Overtones. They opened for David friggin Bowie for a while. But they rock hard. The music kicked ass, and I already have all of their cd's. you can't beat it either. Their new albums "Axis 1 & 3" was 11.49. a double album for under 12 bucks...you can't beat that anywhere. And they're full cd's which you will listen to all of....trust me you'll listen to all of them. get the albums...you won't be disappointed. And Chad....order them from Elvis over at the East Hill Music Exchange...i know he can get them.

This week at work was more of the usual actually. I spent the week making the company look good. Apparently after the friday the thirteenth incident, i've still managed to come out smelling like a rose. I may suck at plumbing, but I rock at AC...which if I'm not mistaken was WHAT I WAS HIRED TO DO. I've been visiting customers doing a good job to get them to renew their service contracts, because the guy before me was such a mouthpiece that he just screwed off and didn't do anything. So I've sent the last week chasing his mistakes...which always pisses me off...especially when I know I'm making less than anybody there and having to do twice the work. My review is supposed to be coming up at the end of august, and I have a feeling if they don't give me what I want I'm gonna be leaving and finding new gainful employment. I don't think I've talked about this issue here, but lemme sum it up. I'm being paid less than the helper. take a moment, breathe, focus your chi, and think about that last statement. got it? good. now you see how insulted I was when I found out that bit of information. So if they don't pay me at least what everybody else is making I'm out of there. I'm doing three times the work they are. i'm not getting any call backs on my work, and I'm handing the salesmen good solid leads...why shouldn't I?

Chad....brace yourself. i'm thinking of picking up Counter-strike. I dunno, something about it has been calling me lately. Though I hadn't played it beyond those games down at the cafe it kinda got into my blood. It's been a yearning I've been putting off for a long time now, but I think it's time.

I'm on call this weekend as well. I'm helping one of the guys out who's building a house. he's got the plumbers and a bunch of other guys coming over there this weekend to help put in the boiler system and such and couldn't really keep leaving so he asked if I would help. And since I just can't say no to work I thought why the hell not. Well about 630 tonight...just as I'd gotten comfy I get a phone call that there's a cooler down at a Mobil station. So of course it couldn't be anything simple like a thermostat...had to be the damn compressor. And of course supply houses are closed, and I have a cook-out to go to sunday, so this could potentially kill my whole weekend. But hey...it could be worse.


Brian Lumley has my SOUL....

I picked up the Necroscope series of books again. I don't know what it is about Brian Lumley's writing, but I just can't put them down. The way he writes is just phenomenal. He has you so engrossed in the characters and the locations that it's just so hard not to love the characters, so that when one dies you almost want to cry because it's like you lost someone you know. The books are phenomenal and I highly recommend them. It's not just the Necroscope series either, but pretty much all of his books. The useless bit of info on the back of the book says he lives in England, but a good deal of the setting (that occurs in this world at least) takes place in eastern europe around the romania area, and is incredibly detailed and almost alive, so that it would seem that he either spent a lot of time there or was born somewhere around there. Anyway...just read the damn books :)


Jesus is Fucking Metal...

Just because it's frigging funny... Posted by Hello

Penny arcade is copyright Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik....but I had to post it because it's just too damn funny...perhaps I can bring a little culture to some ininitiated people's lives :)

Back by Popular Demand...

Well it seems as if I've been slacking on my blog. Well, to be honest I've either been in City of Heroes, or working, or sleeping. I was On-Call last week, which essencially is the same as being work's bitch. If someone calls after hours or on the weekend, I'm the one that got to respond. So that ate away at a deal of my time. I've also been spending more time with Patrick and less time with my MSN open...mainly because everytime I sign on, people are always set to away and never end up messaging or e-mailing back, so I don't even bother anymore.

I suppose a CoH update should be in order. My character, In-Betweener is now level 18 and my main character, for any of you reading who play the game. He's turned into a los bad ass controller. I've also got an upstart little scrapper that's coming along...but didn't i say this about IB a few posts ago? scary isn't it.