
Resistance is Futile...Give me your Cheese Fries Posted by Hello


Just a quick question...

Why is my bag of disposable razors resealable? I didn't know that freshness was an attribute they graded razors on now.

Anyway back to the weekly drudgery

that is all


Half-Life 2 Pwnz my S0uL

I picked up Half-Life 2 SIlver from Steam friday. I did this mainly for a few reasons. 1) i couldn't play HL online because it was always bitching about how it wasn't up to date and teh HL2 Silver came with HL: Source and Counterstrike:Source. so I'm up to dat eon my half life goodness. Now back to the title of this little entry. The game is friggin incredible. I knew it was gonna be something special to look at, but i had no idea it was gonna be this detailed with a fairly deep story for a FPS. That and I've kinda loved Gordon Freeman since the original. He seems like such the unlikely hero. and it was kinda nice to see my HEV after so many years. and damn did it look smooth :) For you FPS lovers out there I highly recommend it. and now if i can just get a hold of clayson...


Well that was anti-climactic...

I'm sure you guys have noticed that I haven't posted anything on my non-smoking diaries...but you know what...it's not s interesting as I thought it would be. Yeah the first 3 or so days were a little rough, but after that it's been a non-issue. No critical craving, no homicidal mood swings, no nothing. It wasn't the Descent Into Madness(TM) that I thought/heard it was going to be. Oh well here's the short form anyway. I've not been smoking for the last 8 days, nor do I feel the inclination to have a cigarette. almost a bummer...

On an interesting sidenote I have seen horrors that no human mind should ever bear witness to. I think I am officially sterile and lo be thankful that you are only getting the words and not the live-action picture that I got. I got the meet "Kelly" today. As many of you don't know, i've been doing the maintenance on the Catholic Charities Maine building which essentially translates to an out-patient mental ward. It was here that I got to meet "Kelly" and boy was that a shock to the system at 8am/7am Central. Check Local Listings. "Kelly" was of the "Weirdo Transvestite" category. Not really what I would call "Executive Transvestite" by any stretch of the imagination. There was no doubting "Kelly" was a man. In fact I think "Kelly" really needed a girls night out to help with the makeup and the fugliness, erm I mean manishness, erm I'll just shut up now.

Now I have no problems with Tranvestites, Gay people any of those groups. But I was not prepared for "Kelly" I mean we've maintained this building before. "Kelly" isn't new...someone could have given me a heads up. I mean When you hear a guy ask if you want some coffee while you're waiting for Teresa and you look up and there's a 6 foot 3 inch man in heels, a nice blouse, socks or something oddly lumpy stuck in a bra, a pretty slapdash job with some makeup and a wig on it kinda makes you shiver for a second...and not in a good way. Anywho I'm off to bed. more updates as they become interesting...


Nic-Free Diaries Day 3 & 4 Morning...

"And Someone was giving boose to these god damn reptiles"

Yesterday was the stress test. Had a virtual nobody in management decide to give me shit for his mistake...He almost died. and I don't mean metaphorically. I was ready to reach my hands around his throat and choke him until he expired. My body realised we were running on empty yesterday. body no likee. Kinda had a medecine body feeling. Dunno if that was connected to the lack of nicotine or not, but you know that feeling when you take a few actifed and you feel kinda detached...yeah that feeling. This morning hasn't been bad, but I felt like i needed to report for yesterday and might as well throw this morning in as well. We got SNOW bitches... :) just a dusting but a little :)


The Nic-Free Diaries - Day Two

"The vibes had turned ugly. But Why? Was there no communication in this car?"

Today wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be. I craved a cigarette far less than I would have expected...though communication was not my strong point today. I probably said less than four or five words in a row to a person at any one time. Even when I did speak I couldn't vocalise thoughts and ideas as normal so it was kind of embarassing. I think the most aggravating part of today is that all the smokers and reformed smokers alike have some sort of war story to tell you from when they tred to quit. I've come to the realisation that the only thing more self-righteous than a born again christian is a born again non-smoker.


Fear and Loathing in Southern Maine...

Statement: I have decided to quit smoking. And for the next 2 weeks at the least, everybody will know about it. For I am using this blog, amongst other things, to chronicle the decent into insanity that I'm sure will ensue. Why do I do this? Do I do this because hate you? NO...well at least 49% of you I don't. I do this maybe to keep me honest. Since I know that most of the people around that read that will and can call bullshit to the stuff I'm typing. And I'll title the progression in the only way that would fit this most "Gonzo" of stories...In Hunter S. Thompson quotes. SO without further ado:

The Nic-Free Diaries - Day One: "So oppressive; This feeling of Fear and Loathing"

I almost strangled someone today. The first day has to be the worst. None of those junkie signs like the shakes or dry mouth or anything...just an insufferable need to smoke a cigarette. The body hasn't yet figured out that it's not getting anymore. No doubt the revolt is sure to come. To be honest it's almost a mental breakdown and rebuild. Nerves and reflexes that are normally sharp seem shakey ad a bit slow. I slammed my hands in so many doors and other objects today it just made me even angrier. Though note for anybody else who feels the need to quit smoking...never use Peppermint Altoids as a substitute on your first day. I went through a tin of them while fighting the urge to pull over at the store and buy a pack of cigarettes. If you eat that many altoids you will get acid reflux, the likes of which you have never seen nor could possibly imagine. I have downed 4 Tums E-X and I can still feel it rumbling around down there. Hopefully day two and beyond will prove a little easier...


I Pwn...

You are Slackware Linux. You are the brightest among your peers, but are often mistaken as insane.  Your elegant solutions to problems often take a little longer, but require much less effort to complete.
Which OS are You?

But on a more serious note I think I'm done mourning the lost election. I mean there's only so long I can bitch...wait...no there isn't. I've got more in me i'm sure. But I've decided to do a little blame shifting. I can't necessarily blame bush, or the republicans, or the conservative democrats. I'm full out blaming the american people...or at least 51% of them. Yes Bush pulls some of the most screwball antics the world has ever seen for is and his cohorts personal gain. But how did he get there? What act of god put him in power? Wasn't himself...it was the american people. So when things go helter skelter I'm not writing my congressman...I'm writing you...those who voted for the man-chimp...and I can be very angry...


You all may fear me now...

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!

You Know You're From Portland, ME When...

You're at Dunkin Donuts, drunk, at midnight on friday and saturday nights

You attend EVERY porltand-deering sporting event...regardless of what it is.

You know that there is a football game on Thanksgiving morning between the two rival schools.

It takes at least 12 inches of snow for school to be cancelled.

You drink in parking lots all winter long

You know what Bill's Pizza is

You think that Univ. of Maine - Orono is another 4 years of high school.

You know what the Old Port is

You understand the theory behind Dimillo's floating restaurant.

You've skipped school or work to start drinking early

Vacation means a trip to Montreal

You know what an Italian Sandwich is

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Portland, ME.

Get Your Own "You Know You're From" Meme Here

More cool things for your blog at


I Wish 51% of you would move somewhere else...

I hear France s nice this time of year...


Did You? Posted by Hello