

Has it really been that long? Anywho things haven't really changed all that much. No, really. it's probably exactly the same as the last time i posted. playing City of Heroes pretty regularly with my own Supergroup now, E-Branch. Most of you who have known me for a good length of time know that i've got an unhealthy fascination with the Necroscope books written by Brian Lumley. That and I started up E-Branch on another server when I first started playing. So when things went sour with my old group it felt only natural that I revive it. It's a very fun group of people that I've collected for the most part. Just like any group of people there are personality clashes and such. But for the most part we can hang out and have a good time.

Other than that same ole same ole. Working at the jetport and going to school at night. makes for some long days. Anyway, that's all i wanted to say. probably not much point in saying much more since nothing much has changed. I've just been, really, existing...not so much living but just getting by.
