
just kill me now....

Hi gang...erm persons, person...small dog accidently pushing keys on the computer? It's been a while and frankly it's been because i'm sick as hell. It's been going on probably two weeks now and this ick isn't breaking up for anything. I've been coughing and stuffed straight up for a while now and have been just miserable. I haven't played a lot of games or anything, mostly been sleeping, getting up and going to work, and well that's about it. I've got nothing new or exciting going on on any front. same shit different day really. I had an interview out at the jetport for a HVAC assistant's job. it pays more than 200 a week more than i'm making now, and i'm essentially a helper. It's something that I don't know if i could get used to being again, but for almost 600 a week i'm sure that i can learn to suck it up :) not to mention it's for the City so i think i'd pretty much have to hijack an airliner in order to get fired. Anywho, that's my update for now. catch you guys later
