
Fear and Loathing in Southern Maine...

Statement: I have decided to quit smoking. And for the next 2 weeks at the least, everybody will know about it. For I am using this blog, amongst other things, to chronicle the decent into insanity that I'm sure will ensue. Why do I do this? Do I do this because hate you? NO...well at least 49% of you I don't. I do this maybe to keep me honest. Since I know that most of the people around that read that will and can call bullshit to the stuff I'm typing. And I'll title the progression in the only way that would fit this most "Gonzo" of stories...In Hunter S. Thompson quotes. SO without further ado:

The Nic-Free Diaries - Day One: "So oppressive; This feeling of Fear and Loathing"

I almost strangled someone today. The first day has to be the worst. None of those junkie signs like the shakes or dry mouth or anything...just an insufferable need to smoke a cigarette. The body hasn't yet figured out that it's not getting anymore. No doubt the revolt is sure to come. To be honest it's almost a mental breakdown and rebuild. Nerves and reflexes that are normally sharp seem shakey ad a bit slow. I slammed my hands in so many doors and other objects today it just made me even angrier. Though note for anybody else who feels the need to quit smoking...never use Peppermint Altoids as a substitute on your first day. I went through a tin of them while fighting the urge to pull over at the store and buy a pack of cigarettes. If you eat that many altoids you will get acid reflux, the likes of which you have never seen nor could possibly imagine. I have downed 4 Tums E-X and I can still feel it rumbling around down there. Hopefully day two and beyond will prove a little easier...

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