
Nic-Free Diaries Day 3 & 4 Morning...

"And Someone was giving boose to these god damn reptiles"

Yesterday was the stress test. Had a virtual nobody in management decide to give me shit for his mistake...He almost died. and I don't mean metaphorically. I was ready to reach my hands around his throat and choke him until he expired. My body realised we were running on empty yesterday. body no likee. Kinda had a medecine body feeling. Dunno if that was connected to the lack of nicotine or not, but you know that feeling when you take a few actifed and you feel kinda detached...yeah that feeling. This morning hasn't been bad, but I felt like i needed to report for yesterday and might as well throw this morning in as well. We got SNOW bitches... :) just a dusting but a little :)

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