I'm just not blending...am I?

We returned later to the scene of the protest where apparently they still hadn't received their coveted "issue 2". But this begs the question does Issue 2 really exist? Aside from hints and allegations amongst the liberal media about the existance of this critical issue there has been no real evidence to sggest that there is even an issue 2 out there.
I reurned to the scene to attempt to blend in and gain the trust of the protestors in an attempt to gain more insight into their beliefs and causes. We brought a cameraman in with us this time to capture the chilling event in all of its gritty reality. Footage will become available as soon as a souce is found to broadcast it (ie i need somewhere to put it)
But possibly the greatest shock of these events was the political debate that raged between george W. Bush and John Kerry. Possibly the only debate of this election, it was also captured on tape. In a surprising turn of events the WMD's that Bush had searched for for so long, turned up at the events. When asked about their sudden appearance all they had to say was "Here I am. You still can't find me...bitch." Gripping.
I joined the protest but was soon spotted as the above picture displays. But what was I doing wrong? I was dressed "street" like the heroes assembled. I held a sign bearing a number much like th others. What set me apart? Did they instinctively know that I was not like them. The truth may never be told. But the riveting video footage will be made available shortly I assure you. Reporting for BNN this is Mikey V...I'm out...yo
Like the 7. That made me laugh. Nice touch.
It's Skritches, btw....No, you cannot get me to join Blogger! No! No! No!
:.sings hauntingly.:
Come to LiveJournal.... Livejournal will pwn your s0u1111!!!!!onehundredeleven11!!... I saved money on car insurance by switching to Livejournal... Even if Blogger does have prettier page templates....
:.stops singing.:
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