
Like Kane from Kung Fu...

My search still continues. I've mentioned that on occasion I've played a game called D.O. Online (now called Martial Heroes). Well when that re-launched I've been unable to download the new client. So much like the title states, I've been searching barefoot looking for a new free MMORPG to play when World of Warcraft gets to be a little tedious to me. I've come up with two of them so far, both through e-games.com. One is called Knight Online and the other is Gate to Heaven. both are kinda the same graphically, but they are pretty fun and really get things back into their proper place when WoW just aggravates the fuck out of me. So if I'm not on WoW, I'll most likely be on one of those. I'll let you know how the experience goes as I get further into each. But if you're on a budget you really can't beat either game...especially since they're free :)

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