
Like the Prodigal Son I've Returned...

Sorry it's been so long, but I've been writing my ass off everywhere else but here. Nothing much new to report. I've been playing CoH and writing more in the continuing saga of IB and the SG i'm running around with, the Eternals. My fledgling little Kheldian is now lvl 29 and I've spent most of my time on her. I've been in something of a creative mood lately so I've been writing like there's no tomorrow. Nothing else much new to report on. I know, there hasn't been any snark or humor in a while, but the truth is that there isn't much going on.

My uncle brought his 'computer' over for me to 'fix' earlier today. He's got this P2 266 that he, for some reason, wishes to salvage. He's got one of those buddies that is a self-proclaimed computer god and he fixed it before it fell into my hands. Unfortunately most of my family is computer illiterate and so the bulk of the tech stuff falls on my shoulders. I don't mind because it keeps me sharp, but this thing unless you just want to play Free Cell is about useless. He's still running Windows 95 for god's sake. So I'm gonna upgrade him to Windows 98 at least, since he only has 64 megs of memory. I'm not sure if i even want to put it on my network for fear of contaminating it :)

Anywho that's my monthly report. I can guarantee that the next month will be pretty much more of the same. Perhaps I might even post up one of these stories that I'm writing. Who knows.


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