
I know it's been a while since I've blogged and even longer still since I've had internet but I'm now back up and running. If you haven't noticed, I've figured out that Blogger now wil let me put up pictures, which makes my day because I don't have to put most of them up in the msn group. But I'll give you a brief rundown of how things went from the time we left up until now.
We left Pensacola on the 26th. I'll run right through the trip because it was incredibly long and about put me down for the count. Anyhow, I'm now forking for the city of Portland as a temp waiting on an interviewq from a great job in Air Conditioning that pays almost 3 times what they pay in Florida. So that's working on for us definitely. Things have been weird though. It's just not the same as it was in Florida, which is the main reason we moved. But to be honest I'm sure that I can speak for both of us in that we miss everybody terribly and pose to you the question "So, when are ya moving up here?"
But leaving Pensacola was sad for me because I thought of it as a day of lasts on several counts. It would probably be the last time I stepped foot in Pensacola (for a while) without needing a funeral or a wedding. It would be the last time I walked out of Hazel's house. And, despite what everybody says and means to do, I knoew it would probably be the last time I would see a lot of my friends down there. I know how these things go. get busy, get out of touch, and soon you don't even really talk anymore. It's sad but I know the people who are truly our "friends" will keep in touch and not be strangers. That would be great. I'm rambling now but I think I needed to Blog for a long time and never got the chance. But those of you who read this, don't be a stranger. Keep in touch even if it is just a short note a week or something. I am interested in all that's going on down in Pensacola.