The Apocalypso is upon us...
It must be, for a strange turn of events has occured. Somehow I talked Chad into playing a MMOG instead of the other way around. Normally he's trying to talk me into playing one, which up until Star Wars: Galaxies I had no real desire to be a part of. I thought my logic was sound...Why should I pay every month for a game that I've already paid for? Well, City of Heroes had me sucked in a full year before it even hit the shelves. And when I got my cable modem turned on up here in sunny Maine, I had to have it. And as you can tell, I've been playing it pretty non-stop ever since. Chad called me the other night to ask what server I play on and I was kinda shocked...though not really...i knew someone would cave. We met up online and played for a little bit. But it kinda dawned on me yesterday that the roles had switched...so yes I believe the Apocalypso is upon us. And yes I do keep ending Apocalypse with an "o", but ya know, if it's the end anyway, why not have some fun in the process and Apocalypso just sounds so much more, festive.

Lord Legion

Meet Lord Legion. He's my main character in City of Heroes. Spiffy, aint he. Right now he's level 11 and leader of the infamous Legion Inc. There's another character that I'm playing around with but right now he's only level 3. He's turning into a real bad ass too though. gained all three of those levels this morning. Just thought I'd give you a brief look into my hero.
On another note, my first day was yesterday at my new job and to be honest, I don't think i should be getting paid to do this. It went so well I don't know what to do with myself.
For them I will be...A HERO!!
as you can tell, like just about everyone else on the planet, I've been addicted to City of Heroes. There's a couple of characters I'm playing with, but primary among them is my alter ego, Lord Legion. Right now he's just a budding little level 7 Tanker, but he'll be big and strong someday, cuz he's drinking plutonium :) anywho, just wanted to explain my absence and let everyone know that I am still alive.
Well I had my interview this morning. It went incredibly well actually. I've discovered that most of what this company believes in is the same as it was with Stacy, which is a good thing. I think I was rather spoiled with Stacy's work ethic and the way he did things. The company is very "family oriented" and offers a great incentive package...20 plus dollars an hour doesn't hurt either ;) Just wanted to keep everybody updated.
It Begins...
Tomorrow morning is the big interview. For those of you not entirely keeping up with my life here's what it's all about. I have an interview at 10am tomorrow morning with a local HVAC company. This is a HUGE, did I stress the word HUGE, opportunity for me. The pay is around 25 bucks an hour and training in boilers and such, so i'm hoping that it works out like I hope it will. Either way I look at it, it's better than lugging bricks and asphalt all day like I'm currently doing working for the city of Portland. After that I get to cash my paycheck, the first full one that I've gotten since I started working up here. For one reason or another I've missed days or hours and haven't amassed over 35 hours up until this last week, so a full paycheck will be nice.
On lighter news, yvonne and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie at the 2240 showing, so you can imagine how late we were there. (for those of you not familiar with military time, I'm sure there's a book out there to help you) It was pretty good I thought though I'm not a big harry potter fan like yvonne. I'm sure I'll talk to anybody actually reading this thing afterwards to let you know how it goes.
On lighter news, yvonne and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie at the 2240 showing, so you can imagine how late we were there. (for those of you not familiar with military time, I'm sure there's a book out there to help you) It was pretty good I thought though I'm not a big harry potter fan like yvonne. I'm sure I'll talk to anybody actually reading this thing afterwards to let you know how it goes.
An interesting day...
The more I work at my present job, the more I realise how much things are done in half-measures. We laid some asphalt down today and just seemed that everytime we got halfway through something, we were being moved onto some other project. On an upnote, I found my old poetry corner. while it doesn't have all of the updated stuff, at least it has the vast majority of it. for anyone who's interested here's the LINK. That's about all that's going on at the moment. I have an interview with an air conditioning company friday so here's hoping that goes well.
I surrender...
I tried to go to sleep earlier tonight but everytime i lay down I start hacking up a lung so I think I'll just stay up for a while. I think it's in everybody's better interests if I do. There's been a whole lot going on this weekend, but most of it not in my life surprisingly. On a sad note some one in the web comic community committed suicide friday. Mike Buonauro from Wrench Farm killed himself. Which brings up some thoughts in my mind as I read through his LiveJournal. Reading through the last week of entries it was glaringly obvious that he was in some sort of downward spiral. His posts got darker and darker beginning with his girlfriend breaking up. But that's not the thing that made me think. What made me think were the comments in his entries after the fact. Everyone that claimed to be his friend came out of the woodwork and said almost the exact same thing. "I was Michaels best friend back in . though we lost contact over the years and we haven't really talked to each other in he was one of my best friends." Most of them went on and on about how much they looked up to him and how much of a great person he was and so on and so forth. but here's the thing...why could they not have said all of this stuff beforehand? Why now, after he felt like he had nothing left in the world, do you praise this man? He needed this praise last week and sooner than that most likely. Now I'm gonna say my peace on the subject and be done with it. He was in fact a talented writer and probably a great guy, and I feel that the web comic community, and the world at large is going to miss him. He had a lot to offer the world in his writing and from what I've read of his LiveJournal, in his thoughts as well. I'm sure everybody that counted themselves amongst his friends will wish that they had said the things that they say now, sooner.
That being said, we had a fun night last night. We kinda just stayed home and got quietly drunk off of Allen's Coffee Brandy (shameless plug). It's good stuff and will put you in a world of hurt if you do not respect the bottle. Yvonne found that out this morning as it took her three glasses of water just to get out of bed. Anywho I'm gonna try and lay back down so maybe at least one night in the last week I can get more than a couple of hours sleep in a night.
That being said, we had a fun night last night. We kinda just stayed home and got quietly drunk off of Allen's Coffee Brandy (shameless plug). It's good stuff and will put you in a world of hurt if you do not respect the bottle. Yvonne found that out this morning as it took her three glasses of water just to get out of bed. Anywho I'm gonna try and lay back down so maybe at least one night in the last week I can get more than a couple of hours sleep in a night.