
It Begins...

Tomorrow morning is the big interview. For those of you not entirely keeping up with my life here's what it's all about. I have an interview at 10am tomorrow morning with a local HVAC company. This is a HUGE, did I stress the word HUGE, opportunity for me. The pay is around 25 bucks an hour and training in boilers and such, so i'm hoping that it works out like I hope it will. Either way I look at it, it's better than lugging bricks and asphalt all day like I'm currently doing working for the city of Portland. After that I get to cash my paycheck, the first full one that I've gotten since I started working up here. For one reason or another I've missed days or hours and haven't amassed over 35 hours up until this last week, so a full paycheck will be nice.

On lighter news, yvonne and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie at the 2240 showing, so you can imagine how late we were there. (for those of you not familiar with military time, I'm sure there's a book out there to help you) It was pretty good I thought though I'm not a big harry potter fan like yvonne. I'm sure I'll talk to anybody actually reading this thing afterwards to let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how to read the 24hr clock :) Good to see you use it. Take care.
