Because I Have Nothing Better to do...
I've been kinda busy with the CoV beta testing as of late. They had a rather fun PvP event last night testing out Siren's Call. The heroes won the event of course, but the lag was horrible. Hopefully things will improve once everybody returns to their respective servers. Anywho, I've been playing around with graphics and such from CoH lately and came up with a semi-nifty desktop wallpaper. Now, for an explanation since I think at least one other member of the depicted SG may read this. This is our SG from Protector server, and unfortunately when I went to WoW I deleted my CoH folder and hence lost a great majority of my screenshots. So a good number of the other former members aren't shown in this. So I had to work with what I had from a couple of the screenshots that I had moved to another folder. So anyway, here it is.

The digital artist strikes again
yeah I've gotta have something to do while I've, well, got nothing else to do :)
So does that mean you are going to get a job now at Pixar?? lol
Wouldn't that friggin rock eh
I love that it's just me and three of your alts. :) Nice work!
yeah i lost all my screenshots when i uninstalled CoH to free up space, so all i really had to go on was the screens that i had moved to a different folder :( would have really liked to have gotten rad lad at least in there. there was a bunch that i never got screen shots of like Sweet Sub and Queen Rosa along with knokjawz, so it just ended up being you and a bunch of my alts. that and i was perfecting the cut and paste so it ended up just being a fun project.
and let's not forget robo-killer *shiver*
It's a little known fact that "Robokiller" is Molvanian for LEEEERRRROOOOOYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Long Live Molvania!!
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