
pet peeves

Ya know. I was going to put up this big insightful post about a raw nerve or two that people seem to be stomping all over lately. But I realized its pretty pointless. Its not going to change a thing. People will continue to be snobbish omniscient assholes no matter how many times I blog or tweet or text about it. No matter how many times I rant ans rage, no matter how offended, no matter how belittled I feel...nothing is ever going to change. Ill always have to be the "bigger man" and turn the other cheek and keep the moral high ground. Im tired of keeping the moral high ground. Im tired of letting people walk all over me so that everyone can play nice.

But im most tired of not being able to effectively vent without being told to calm down ans just play nice with peoples. Im tired of being proven wrong everytime I decide to actually open up and share my feelings. Im reminded of why I keep my mouth shut every time that I do the opposite. What's the benefit? I feel like Shit more often than I did when I kept to myself. The mind wobbles. ;)


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