Sorry yet again it's been so long, but you know how my fixations go. There's been so much going on in my life at the moment it's been hard to form the thoughts, let alone the words, to actually rant about them here. But here it goes anyway.
My Friday the 13th was an utter disaster. I have no other way to describe it. I can't even go into details about it without getting pissed off. So here's the short short politically correct version of that day. Got suckered into installing a hot Water Heater for the plumbing guy at work. Dunno how he thought I was gonna do this, but he had it in his head that I was a plumber. trust me, he found out for the rest of the day that I wasn't. Job went horribly horribly wrong. got zero support except for short, sarcastic, comment from the plumbers when I asked for help. The customer was a total wacko and the plumbing guy was screaming for my job after everything was said and done. Now those of you who have heard the sordid tale know more of this and why the guy almost got his head thrust into the back of my truck, but the whole situation still just pisses me off. But still I persevere.
Saturday however rocked hard. yvonne and I went to a local concert on the back patio of a local radio station. There will be pictures of said event posted later once I pull them off of the camera, along with a picture of the worlds largest afro. Anywho the concert kicked obscene amounts of ass. It was all local bands...once which if you can order it. Vacationland was the first band. They put on a pretty decent show. They play to the crowd well and they music rocks. The second band was called As Fast As, and they as well kicked ass, though they put on a much better show and I am heavily inclined to pick up their new CD. Those who know me know how frequently I buy CD's. They're just that good. The third band however was the band we went to see and have become my favorite band of late. They're called Paranoid Social Club. For those of you who might have the memory span of more than a few years might remember them as Rustic Overtones. They opened for David friggin Bowie for a while. But they rock hard. The music kicked ass, and I already have all of their cd's. you can't beat it either. Their new albums "Axis 1 & 3" was 11.49. a double album for under 12 can't beat that anywhere. And they're full cd's which you will listen to all me you'll listen to all of them. get the won't be disappointed. And Chad....order them from Elvis over at the East Hill Music Exchange...i know he can get them.
This week at work was more of the usual actually. I spent the week making the company look good. Apparently after the friday the thirteenth incident, i've still managed to come out smelling like a rose. I may suck at plumbing, but I rock at AC...which if I'm not mistaken was WHAT I WAS HIRED TO DO. I've been visiting customers doing a good job to get them to renew their service contracts, because the guy before me was such a mouthpiece that he just screwed off and didn't do anything. So I've sent the last week chasing his mistakes...which always pisses me off...especially when I know I'm making less than anybody there and having to do twice the work. My review is supposed to be coming up at the end of august, and I have a feeling if they don't give me what I want I'm gonna be leaving and finding new gainful employment. I don't think I've talked about this issue here, but lemme sum it up. I'm being paid less than the helper. take a moment, breathe, focus your chi, and think about that last statement. got it? good. now you see how insulted I was when I found out that bit of information. So if they don't pay me at least what everybody else is making I'm out of there. I'm doing three times the work they are. i'm not getting any call backs on my work, and I'm handing the salesmen good solid leads...why shouldn't I?
Chad....brace yourself. i'm thinking of picking up Counter-strike. I dunno, something about it has been calling me lately. Though I hadn't played it beyond those games down at the cafe it kinda got into my blood. It's been a yearning I've been putting off for a long time now, but I think it's time.
I'm on call this weekend as well. I'm helping one of the guys out who's building a house. he's got the plumbers and a bunch of other guys coming over there this weekend to help put in the boiler system and such and couldn't really keep leaving so he asked if I would help. And since I just can't say no to work I thought why the hell not. Well about 630 tonight...just as I'd gotten comfy I get a phone call that there's a cooler down at a Mobil station. So of course it couldn't be anything simple like a thermostat...had to be the damn compressor. And of course supply houses are closed, and I have a cook-out to go to sunday, so this could potentially kill my whole weekend. But could be worse.