
As Usual...

I'm probably about six months behind the times on this one but I discovered the joy of podcasting yesterday. It started with Lex and Terry (which if you can't tell by now are being Podcast)and degenerated into a frenzy of subscriptions. I know subscribe to over 25 different Podcasts in addition to Lex and Terry is Zencast (how hot is that!!), all of the Air America Podcasts, NToddcast (which you have to get from Podcast Alley and manually add to your subscription), and several others on numerous subjects. Now if I could just justify buying an iPod I'd be all right. Hello, My name is Mike and I'm a Podcast junkie. Now if they'd only Podcast Don and Mike.



Chad said...

Podcast the who in the what now?

Mikey said...

DL I-Tunes. go to the music store and select Podcasts. There's a bunch you can subscribe to. If you click on the top 100 you can find Lex and Terry currently at number 21. But there's so many more you can find by searching the directory. It's a very groovy thing baby yeah

Anonymous said...

Pray to Black Jesus for he is the one true savior.

Big C-note

Mikey said...

I wish I could, but the website seems to no long er exist...or at least hasn't been there the last couple of times that I've tried :(

Anonymous said...


Black Jesus can't leave us now


Big C-Note