
In Soviet Russia the Air Conditioner Fixes You...

So I'm still stuck down in this nightmare job and there's no real escape. This man has abused this system to the point that everything is essentially melting down and I'm just playing catch up as things fry. In the last week I've replaced every electronic and mechanical part in his Condensing unit and replaced a thermostat and transformer in the Evaporator. We won't even go into the difficulties I've had with the Liebert unit. The place is a mess and it stems from several sources. Firstly we didn't engineer the job, they hired someone else and we were just subcontracted to put in the unit that they suggested. Secondly, this equipment isn't meant to be kept running as cold as it is for as long as it has been. Lastly there was a little lightning that helped things along. So all in all I'm ready to burn this place to the ground.

On a side note I believe I'm going to give up World of Warcraft. There's no joy in it anymore and I haven't been on in better than a week and a half. Might go back to City of Heroes/City of Villains shortly and play that for a bit. At least I'll have some peace there.

Oh, and download Rakion when it goes live from http://www.softnyx.net it's an incredibyl fun game if you're into PvP games...and it's free.


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