

Every time I wipe my hard drive I seem to get a little nostalgic. So I went through my old back up cd's and looked at stuff I'd made or written years ago. And so I went through my web spaces and found There are little bits of me all over the Interweb.

Of course several of those sites harkened back to my time with Vampire: Redemption and one of those many of you will remember from my infancy on the internet. And all of them were before I learned CSS, if you can't tell by the sizing issues and frames and tables that I used prfoundly. But all in all they're a part of me.

How many of you can remember your first web address? We've all built a web page at one point, whether it was more recently in the form of a blog, or way back in the day with the geocities page builder. What was your first web address? Mine was www.geocities.com/paris/metro/6409/. This was also followed shortly by my fortune city account which the next to original ORTWAS site was found on. There are several other sites still on that fortune city address, but I'm not able to log in to them anymore so the early ORTWAS site will have to do for that shard of my life. Many of my early sites don't exist anymore because the services have gone out of business or been bought out and removed, so that's pretty much all that's left.


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